To day iam going share with you a funny read carefully
Did you know we can kill mosquito's with pc.. it could sound little funny but read it completely till end.. and i m damn sure in last u gonna come up with HEY ITS WORKED.......
here is the way for you..
According to do this we can use sound generator software...
actually how it works.. Dragonflies are deadly enemies of Mosquitoes, cockroaches and those annoying insects..during there flight they generate a sound having frequency (approximately) between 67 Hz and 45 Hz, depending on their sizes.
So what are we going to do here is generating a sound of this frequency from our speakers which will keep them away and sound of this frequency also kills all those insect so it gonna work in this manner..
56 Hz is a good average number in between those frequencies. Your PC sound card and speakers will work well for this purpose. There are many sound and tone generator programs available on the Internet for both the Mac and Windows PC. Setup your computer with the sound/tone generator program running and then play the sound through your computer speakers. The speakers can be aimed directionally for complete room coverage.
The sound level on the speakers should be adjusted so it is barely audible. This arrangement can be setup in a bedroom where you would like to have the window open but are worried about mosquitoes. One speaker should be fairly close to where you are sleeping.
Here are some links to more advanced tone generator software which can actually sweep between the 45 Hz and 67 Hz frequencies:
You can also download this program free for this porpose : open(Click on SKIP ADD after ing the link)
download from here for free: (Click on SKIP AD after opening the link)
So after downloading any of above program all what u have to do is install them .. play and set the sound between 67 Hz to 45 Hz and play.. that's it..
We can also do this with Anti Mosquito software..... Try this